Saturday, 28 September 2013
Jo Malone Peony & Blush Suede Perfume Review
A month or so ago I saw that you could request a sample of the new Jo Malone fragrance, Peony and Blush Suede. Not really thinking I would get one as they were limited stock, imagine my surprise when one popped through my letterbox last week!
Thursday, 26 September 2013
Seventeen Phwoarr Paint (Heavy Duty Concealer) Review!
Being the easily influenced person I am, after I saw one person blog about the new Seventeen concealer and compare it to Benefit Erase Paste - I went out and bought it. This is a new heavy duty under eye concealer that promises some pretty amazing things from a lower end drug store brand.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
MUA/One Direction 'Kiss Me' Lipstick Review
Let me start off by saying no, I am not a One Direction fan. When I first heard about this collection all I wanted to do was stay the hell away! Then the reviews started trickling in and I had to admit to myself that the lipsticks actually looked pretty darn good.
Sunday, 22 September 2013
White Chocolate Chunk Cookie Recipe
No, that's not a code name for some new beauty product. I genuinely have been making a lot of cookies at the minute and these are most definitely my favourite so I thought I'd share the recipe with you!
chocolate chip
Friday, 20 September 2013
MAC Rebel - best winter lipstick ever?
After I said a teary farewell to Girl About Town the other day, I thought it was about time to invest in a winter lipstick that would be worn and loved for the next few months. Enter MAC Rebel. It's a lipstick that has been raved about repeatedly, blogged about, etc - but I just never picked up as it looked too scary in the tube. On Saturday though, I bit the bullet!
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Monday, 16 September 2013
Elegant Touch House of Holland Nails Review
As soon as I saw people write about these I knew that they would one day be mine. I didn't expect that it would be so soon! They are in fact on my fingers now (making it hard to type may I add as they are super long) and I love them so much!
elegant touch
henry holland
house of holland
Thursday, 12 September 2013
L'oreal Skin Perfection Micellar Solution
I've been holding off reviewing this for quite a while now, because I just couldn't make my mind up about it. Now I'm past the halfway mark I thought it was about time I shared how I felt about it!
Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll know that the beauty world is crazy for Bioderma. However for the 250ml bottle of Bioderma Micelle Solution it's a whopping £10, before postage and packaging! This is because it's a French brand and has to imported here which means we pay a lot more for it. So when I saw L'oreal were doing a high street version at a measly £4.99 (currently £3.33 at Boots on offer I bought it straight away.
It claims to be as gentle as water, and says it will dissolve makeup, unclog pores, and tone and soothe skin. That's a lot of promise! I do agree that it dissolves my makeup quite well, and it is very gentle and soothing. As for the rest, not so much. Having never tried the Bioderma version I can only imagine L'oreal is trying to be everything Bioderma is!
My only gripes with it are that it can never quite get off all of my mascara, (but I'm yet to meet anything that can so that doesn't bother me too much). It also obviously has to be used with cotton wool pads and going through 4-5 pads every time means I get through a pack very quickly now. In all honesty, it's just an 'alright' product - I don't hate it, but I really don't love it. Maybe it's time I invested in Bioderma and just dealt with the price!
MAC Girl About Town - goodbye summer lipstick!
Hello everyone! Sorry that I've been missing the past few days, I've been trying to sort out my move to Manchester and it doesn't give me much relaxing time. In the week or so I've been doing this, the super nice weather has disappeared to be replaced by rain and misery. Therefore I wanted to wear a stupidly bright, girly lipstick to say goodbye to summer.
girl about town
mac lipstick
Friday, 6 September 2013
Revlon Lash Potion - no magic here!
Being a loyal YSL Shocking mascara buyer, when I ran out earlier this month I was devastated - there was no way I could afford that spend this month! If you've read my NOTD post about Revlon Nail Enamel in 'Rich' then you will know that instead, I ended up buying the Revlon Lash Potion.
I got this because I had seen a few of my favourite bloggers/vloggers get it and have such wonderful experiences with it. But me? Not so much. The brush is so much bigger than I anticipated, and actually reminds me a lot of a Collection 2000 mascara (big fat something?!) where the wand and brush are just too big to actually use properly.
The result is above. Just very average and you can even see tiny black specks where the mascara has still managed to get onto my eyelid after being very careful! I think I just expected so much more than it delivered, and for £9.99 it's just not very good - I'd rather buy the excellent Falsies instead at £7.99!
I sadly think this is a case of pretty packaging from a usually great brand, without the great product to match. I'll be trying to use this one up and then I'll be moving on!
PS - there just might be a giveaway starting on Friday so follow me on Bloglovin' to see what it is! ;)
lash potion
Thursday, 5 September 2013
My favourite lipsticks: reds!
In all honesty, every time I put on red lipstick I either think one of two things: the first is "do I look like a five year in her mum's makeup?" and the second is "I look so sophisticated!". And whichever one I think is to do with the shade of red. There are so many different tones and shades of red out there that it puts a lot of people off even trying them! Luckily as I've got older (and spent more money on lipsticks.. oops) I've managed to find some firm favourites that I know suit me.
L-R: Lime Crime Velvetines 'Red Velvet', MAC Marilyn Monroe 'Deeply Adored', Kate Moss for Rimmel '01', MAC Riri Woo
These are actually all quite different reds so I hope it instills some hope in you for your own red lips! Lime Crime's Red Velvet is actually a liquid lipstick that goes on as a gloss, but dries matte. I absolutely love this - you don't need very much to get amazing colour, it dries quickly and barely smudges. It's a velvety rose red, definitely not a bright red but very classy.
Sorry for including a limited edition lipstick (well two!) but I had to - from the Marilyn Monroe collection I managed to snag Deeply Adored. On me it is almost a browny red - I'm pretty sure it was described as a deep scarlet though. It is very much a deep movie star red and I thought it captured the Marilyn feel perfectly. I can imagine this looks absolutely amazing on people with darker skin as it would look so sultry and vampy!
Doesn't everyone love the Kate Moss lipsticks by now? Colour, staying power and a cheap price tag?! This one is the most 'classic' red out of the four - just a bright true red that actually seems to suit a lot of people.
My last one (another limited... shoot me) is the famous Riri Woo. Very, very close to it's cousin Ruby Woo. A lot of people actually said if you already have Ruby Woo don't bother getting this! This is a retro matte finish and it is very matte - which I love - but I know bothers a lot of people. You must have well conditioned lips to wear this though or it just tugs and pulls! It's a super bright, blue based red that you have to have guts to wear.
I would have included Russian Red by MAC in here too but sadly I couldn't find it! However it is a shade worth checking out as it is absolutely lovely and on par with all of the above lipsticks.
Do you have a favourite red or are you still looking? Let me know down below :)
PS - if you don't follow me on Twitter or Bloglovin', you should do! There could be a little giveaway starting tomorrow so keep your eyes peeled on how to enter.
kate moss
lime crime
red lipstick
riri woo
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
A/W Wishlist - Tartan
After reading everyone else's wishlists for A/W, I am well and truly in the mood to do the same! It is mighty obvious that grunge is going to be huge, and I mean huge for this A/W. We are seeing tartan and leather everywhere, rips and frays, oversized tops worn with the masculine boots... *sigh* Dreamy!

Dorothy Perkins
Miss Selfridge
The Cambridge Satchel Company
Vivienne Westwood
Monday, 2 September 2013
Lime Crime - an honest review
I've known about the brand Lime Crime for a good few years now, but as with most of the UK can't afford the shipping rates etc that they offer so never had the opportunity to try it. Now they actually have a few UK sellers and I've managed to snag a few of their products. Recently I've noticed quite a few beauty bloggers either reviewing or doing looks with their products so I thought I'd also re-visit them and do a little review. *Warning - picture heavy blog post!*
lime crime
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Orange arm candy
I'm beginning to wonder how many posts I can put up of things I have bought before you all think I am genuinely addicted to shopping. I promise I'm not! I have been looking for a new bag for a while that was a little bit more on the formal side. I'm moving to Manchester in a few weeks where I'll have to look a bit smarter for work and so I've been trying to pick up pieces that are a good balance between casual and formal. This orangey structured barrel bag from New Look is just that to me - the colour keeps it fun whilst the gold detailing and leather look keep it smart. Plus it was only twenty English squids!
£19.99, New Look
PS - as always don't forget to follow me on Bloglovin'! I have a little prize sorted for a giveaway soon so keep your eyes peeled :)
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