Sleek Face Form Contour palette in Fair, £9.99

Sunday, 30 June 2013
Favourite new products
As I mentioned a few posts back, I recently spent the week in Oxford. The city centre isn't huge so there's not a ton of shopping to be done - but there's a good MAC there and a Superdrug that sold Sleek makeup so I picked a few things up! After having them for a few weeks now I've come to find that these few items have quickly become firm favourites.
Sunday, 23 June 2013
The Liebster Award!
Okay, so when Lauren of Little Lauren's Blog commented on my last post telling me she had nominated me for the Liebster Award, I have to admit I had no clue what she was on about. A quick visit to her page and a google later I found out - it's an award to help share and discover blogs you may not have heard of. She had a few questions for me to answer so please keep reading to hear more about me - and to see who I've nominated in return!
Monday, 17 June 2013
E.L.F Studio Matte Lip Colour Review
Today I'm on my way to Oxford on the train to get away for a few days, but I still wanted to make sure I could update here so I thought I'd take some pictures before I left, pay the £2 on the train to get wifi and write my blog post here. :) Now, I'm not a huge fan of E.L.F products - they're so hit and miss, I never want to order even when I see something that looks really good. But when I saw these matte lipsticks featured on a few of my favourite blogs, I thought that I should get over my fear and buy them!
E.L.F Matte Lip Colour in Natural (top), Coral (bottom).
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Top 5 nail picks for summer! (or lack of)
Okay, a little disclaimer and note - I know I said this would be a summer lipstick post but at the minute I'm really struggling to get good photographs of my lips - if anyone has any good tips please leave them below! I use a Canon 1100D if that helps with settings at all. But anyway - on to the nails! The brief summer weather we've had seems to have been replaced with thunderstorms today, so no more lovely dresses and sandals! :( To cheer myself up I've picked my top 5 nail colours to brighten up my outfits.
L-R: Topshop 'Hidden Treasure', Barry M 'Lychee', Collection 'Hip Hop', Maybelline 'Urban Coral', Maybelline 'Electric Yellow'
Saturday, 8 June 2013
I'm on BlogLovin'!
Hey everyone! Whilst trying to set up my blog so it looked a little bit nicer for you all, I added a button in the sidebar so you can follow me on BlogLovin'! :)
For those of you that don't know it's a place where you can follow all of your favourite blogs and see them all in one place - all of mine are on there! It has a newsfeed almost like Facebook where you can see new posts from the blogs you follow, as well as using it to find new blogs to read.
It's a good website to use whether you're a blogger or just a blog reader, so if you'd like to follow me just click on the button at the side or type 'erinjaine' into the search bar on the website.
See you soon for my favourite lipsticks for summer post! :)
Friday, 7 June 2013
Top 5 from my make up bag!
Being a new make up blogger, I wanted to post something that was beauty related but not completely random - so I thought I'd let you have a sneak peek into my make up bag so you could get to know me a bit better. :) Now, I have to say I have a lot in my make up bag - so I'm just going to show you my 5 favourite pieces that without fail get used every day! I'll also pop in the prices and where I got them from in case anyone wants to know!
Also please excuse the terrible backdrop for these photos - I am sorting my house out and clearing things out and don't have a proper space to take photos, so some lovely unused wrapping paper was used for a makeshift background! Don't judge me! :P
Ted Baker for Boots wash bag, £16
This is actually my brand new makeup bag, as a certain puppy in the house decided to chew through the zip of my last make up bag *grits teeth*. (If anyone was interested, it was also a Ted Baker bag but the old pink satin bird design). I absolutely love the Ted Baker for Boots selection, it's a nice way of getting something 'high end' without having to splash out! This one is actually a wash bag as I keep a lot of makeup in my 'daily' bag so I wanted the extra space - I think the actual designated make up bag is quite a lot cheaper.
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Hi everyone! :)
Helloo, everybody! I thought I'd use my first post as a a quick introduction to myself and the type of blog I hope to grow into. My name is Erin, I'm 19 and I live in the midlands with my boyfriend, cat and dog. I've been obsessed with all things beauty for years and after reading/watching tons of my favourite bloggers, I've decided to take the plunge into writing myself. I also hope to one day begin making YouTube videos (but I'm not quite that brave yet!).
I hope to use this blog just to cover bits of everything in my life - my main priority is always beauty (god knows I buy enough every week!) and I want to write clear, honest reviews of products both low and high end. However I do also enjoy all things fashion so don't be surprised if that sneaks in every so often! :)
I will try to post at least once a week. I would love to hear anyone's suggestions on any products they would like reviewing, or even just people saying hello! I look forward to becoming part of the blogging world :)
Keep an eye out for my first post coming up tomorrow, I thought a good way for you all to get to know me a bit more would be to do a 'what's inside my make up bag' post! Check it out and see you soon :)
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